

Forgive For Life

Troy Campus 916 N. Market Street, Troy, OH

The class, Forgive for Life, examines the harmful impact of regret and resentment on our lives and how forgiveness can free us from its joy-stealing grip. The class, taught by Dr. Alan Demmitt, provides a model for forgiving others and forgiving ourselves. The four classes build off each other and it is best for participants...

Discover U!

Troy Campus 916 N. Market Street, Troy, OH

The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you figure out why! You are invited to Discover U at The Valley Troy! In this small group setting you will explore three important questions: – Who is God? – How has God made me? – How can...

Child Dedication

Troy Campus 916 N. Market Street, Troy, OH

God has given you a precious gift! To celebrate and come along beside you, we are conducting a Child Dedication on September 22nd at both services. If you are interested in having your child dedicated, fill out the form below and Pastor Jessica Coulter will connect with you. For more information, email  

All In Worship

Troy Campus 916 N. Market Street, Troy, OH

All in Worship and BaptismsAll In Worship and Baptism Sunday will be your most meaningful Sunday this month! This intergenerational worship experience is happening on September 29th and we can’t wait to share the auditorium with Valley Kids and teens as we experience God together. Intentional worship, baptisms, response stations, a great message, exciting activity...

Living Healthy and Whole

Troy Campus 916 N. Market Street, Troy, OH

Ever wondered how to truly live healthy and whole? Finance. Body. Mind. Spirit. Relationships. Imagine having a clear vision of God's best for you and a personalized action plan to achieve it. Join our 5-week class to discover how to move beyond willpower and embrace God's empowerment. Beginning Wednesdays - Oct 9th-Nov 6th, 6:30-7:30pm at...

Adopt a Highway

Troy Campus 916 N. Market Street, Troy, OH

The Valley Church Troy has adopted a highway in Troy. Help clean up on Saturday, October 12th from 10:00-11:30am. A short training video is required to participate. For safety, ages 12 and up is required. To find out meetup location and details for that day- sign up here: For more information contact Chrissi Douglas...

Church Planter Assessment

Troy Campus 916 N. Market Street, Troy, OH

                      Church Planter Assessment is November 14-16, 2024 Piqua, Ohio This 3 Day Assessment (Thursday Evening- Saturday Afternoon), at The Valley Church in Piqua, Ohio, will evaluate future Church Planters and Multi-Site Campus Pastors' readiness and capacity for launching new starts - either through church...
