Football Sunday! at The Valley Church Piqua Campus
Piqua Campus 1400 Seidel Parkway, Piqua, OHNo plans on Superbowl Sunday before the game starts? Get hype! Wear your favorite team colors or team jersey and join us for a live interview with Master Teague a former OSU player. This Sunday’s services will be packed full of: tailgate food, activities, giveaways, photo op., and tons of fun!
Baptism Sunday
Piqua Campus 1400 Seidel Parkway, Piqua, OHDuring the 9:15 and 11:00 morning services Baptism is an outward act of obedience that represents the inward change that God has already worked in your life when you said yes to a relationship with Him. Baptism shows the redeeming power of God, and tells the world we have been made new! It represents our...
Discover U
Piqua Campus 1400 Seidel Parkway, Piqua, OHYou are invited to this brand new conversational class at the Valley! At Discover U, you will explore three important questions: - Who is God? - How has God made me? - How can I participate in God’s kingdom? Discover U is for anyone who is new at the Valley or any of our regular...
Women’s Bible Study | 20/20 Seen-Chosen-Sent Study
Piqua Campus 1400 Seidel Parkway, Piqua, OHLadies Bible Study is kicking off their Spring Session! INFO ABOUT THE 20/20 SEEN-CHOSEN-SENT STUDY Books cost $15 Thursday 9:15-11:15am - begins March 6 - Child Care Available Monday 6:30-8pm - begins March 10 - No Child Care Provided Summary of this study Can you imagine feeling so seen by God that you can't help...
Teens in Grades 9th-12th! We are headed to Honduras!
Piqua Campus 1400 Seidel Parkway, Piqua, OHOur 2025 mission trip will be combined with The Valley Church’s annual mission trip to Honduras. This trip will include work projects, relationship building, helping with a VBS for the Honduran children and more! We are excited to serve alongside others in the Valley Church of all ages while also bonding as teens in the...
Honduras Mission Trip
Piqua Campus 1400 Seidel Parkway, Piqua, OHThe Valley is taking a team of 25 people on a short-term work trip to Honduras to help work alongside, encourage and strengthen our partner churches there. The next Honduras trip is June 28 thru July 6, 2025, and the cost of the trip is approximately $1,850 (depending on airfare prices). You can reserve a...